The Higher Institute of Musical Studies “V. Bellini”, defined by the reform process (Law n.508/1999), is one of the AFAM institutions at the university level, and it awards “Three-year and biennial Academic Diplomas of the First and Second Levels“.
The Institute has six departments:
- Department of Singing and Musical Theatre including the following courses: Singing, Theory and Technique of Scenic Interpretation, Piano Collaborator
- Wind instruments department including the following courses: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Bass Tuba, Saxophone
- Department of String and String Instruments including the following courses: Harp, Guitar, Mandolin, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double
- Piano, Keyboard and Percussion Instruments Department including the following courses: Piano, Piano – Master Collaborator, Organ, Accordion, Percussion Instruments-
- Department of General Music including the following courses: General music for wind instruments, General music for strings instruments, Chamber Music, Orchestral training, Choral training
- Department of analytical and musicological theoretical/practical disciplines including the following courses: Composition, Theory, Rhythmic and Musical Perception, Harmony Theory and Analysis, History of Music, Poetry for Music and Musical Dramaturgy, Piano Practice and
Pipe organ console of the Musical Institute of Caltanissetta (built by Cimino brothers)
To meet the increasingly pressing demands of musical culture coming from the different local realities during the early 1970s, the Provincial Administration of Caltanissetta decides to start a cultural path by establishing a Musical Institute, named after the Sicilian musician “V. Bellini”, activating 5 Schools (Violin, Cello, Piano, Flute, Singing and Guitar) and the related Complementary Courses; and after the first few years it is converted into a conservatory according to D.P.R. n 639 of the 19/10/1979
And so, the “Vincenzo Bellini” Musical Institute begins a process that is continually growing. During the 1980s, new schools were established which regularly obtain the conversion. With Law 508/99 of the Reform of Italian Musical Education, the Institute begins a gradual transformation process, fully compliant with all the ministerial standards.
“Vincenzo Bellini” Musical Institute is entirely part of the AFAM (High Artistic Musical Training) Institution of the Ministry of University and Research. It represents a benchmark institution for academic musical education within the territory.
To provide an adequate theoretical and practical preparation to access the Preparatory Courses established with D.M. 382 of 11.05.2018. , the “V. Bellini” institute of Caltanissetta organizes non-curricular but recurrent and permanent study courses within the framework of its statutory autonomy, called Music Training Courses (duration 5 years)
The artistic and musical production activity flows into projects called.
- “Grandi firme per la didattica” masterclasses open to students also from other institutions held by renowned artists and teachers operating in national and international circuits
- The “Bellini Concert Season”, concerts held by the Masterclasses artists
- The “Concerti dell’ Atrio”, summer concerts held by the best students;
- Promotional activities in public and private institutions and/or
The Institute has both a Chamber Orchestra and a Wind Orchestra, along with numerous chamber groups.